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I am interested in the study of affective phenomena in human multimodal communication. I was working in the context of my PhD on opinion mining inside human-agent and human-human oral interactions and try to model the phenomena of opinion dynamics inside the discourse. I mainly worked with Hidden Conditional Random Fields and variants which do not require a huge quantity of annotated data and is easily interpretable and flexible.


Opinion Dynamics Modeling for Movie Review Transcripts Classification with Hidden Conditional Random Fields

Capture d’écran 2019-07-26 à 14.32_edite

PhD defense :

Analyse d'opinion dans les interactions orales

Time-continuous estimation of emotion in music with recurrent neural networks

Presentation about Convolutional Networks, Deep Learning Reading Group, Telecom ParisTech

Master's Thesis :

Approches "Deep Learning" appliquées aux signaux audio : parole et musique

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