Valentin Barriere
I am currently working at the Cour de Cassation where we work on various aspects of legal texts using neural models like bidirectionnal language models and transformers.
During my PhD in the S2A (Signal, Statistics and Learning) and GRETA teams of Telecom ParisTech, I worked on the detection and analysis of opinion in oral interactions. I used probabilistic graphical models for opinion mining, using hybrid techniques recognizing linguistics patterns with Machine Learning methods in order to characterize an expression of opinion. I worked under the supervision of Chloé Clavel and Slim Essid.
Natural Language Processing
Detect complex structures in text using statistical systems modeling semantics.
2015 - 2019
Telecom ParisTech
PhD : Opinion analysis in speech interactions
Human Communication Analysis
Model the interactions between different modalities in order to detect communication phenomena
Opinion dynamics
Model the different phases of an opinion expressed in time
Representation Learning and Deep Learning
Learn and use useful representations from sequential models with different granularities
2010 - 2015
Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile
Engineer degree : Aerospatial Telecommunications
2008 - 2010
Lycée Chaptal